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Eye Examinations
EyeSight is precious, have your vision and eyes examined regularly- it isn’t only for spectacle wearers!
Contact Lenses
CLsContact Lens fitting and reviews- are you wearing the best lenses for YOUR eyes?
Childrens Eyecare
3+Undetected childhood vision problems can have lifelong consquences. Every Child should be checked aged approximately 3, sooner if problems are suspected.
Corporate Eyecare
DSECorporate Eyecare- from safety spectacles to VDU eye checks, we can arrange onsite or in our office.
Closing Early Wednesday
In addition to not opening tomorrow, we are closing early today, Wednesday.
Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Please take care in the bad weather.
Snow day – Thursday
Folks, we gave no idea what the weather is going to bring in the next few days. But Thursday seems to be look like it might be a difficult day. We will definitely be open today, but not so sure about tomorrow. Rarely does snow remain for long here, but with temperatures the way they are, it isn’t going to melt quickly!
I wrote this before setting off for work, and today I barely made it to the main Cavan – Bailieborough road. For tomorrow, yes, I could park on the main road and walk in the lane to the house, but given that all that remains booked and un-cancelled are two Driving Sight Tests, I do not think that the risk of damage to the car, or to me – a broken limb?? is worth the risk to stay on until 8.30 pm, when the weather is expected to be at its worst.
If anyone knows of someone who has a driving sight test booked with us tomorrow, would you please let them know? We should have taken contact details, but we omitted to do that – I think they were booked before we had heard of the “Beast from the East”, or Storm Emma.
B. Conlon and S. Rooney – If you see this, we need to reschedule!
I don’t like mentioning names, but I guess that they could deny if it was them, should they wish to? If you know a B or an S who might be looking to have a driving sight test with us, would you share this post, or let them know to look at it?
At this point, I don’t even know if we will be here on Friday – as an employer, I made the decision to tell Sandra not to attempt to travel tomorrow. She reckoned that (as she lives near me) I could give her a lift – I am happy to drive in snow and in previous snowy weather I have picked her up, but this time, I don’t want to take the chance – I don’t mind / quite like snow and am happy to accept that I might mess up, which is fine for me, but not with someone else in the car… It is different if I know the snow will likely be gone by home time, but this time, it could be very bad going home?
It is hard to know what to do! Safety first has to be the way to go – we don’t get weather like this very often after all.
I will try to be here on Friday and I will give Thursday a go myself, but I think I may not make it in?
Please let any B or S you know about this post, thanks,
$37, well $27 if you click close.
On Sky News today there was another link below the article I was reading about a new revolutionary treatment for most every eye problem, ever.
It is a very long watch, and though the video on the page appears to be hosted on Youtube, there is no way to click through to Youtube, where there might be a way to jump ahead.
The Outback Vision Protocol explains why Australian Aboriginals have vision four times better than us. Given that the “Protocol” invented is 3 times more effective than might be achieved with the original outback ingredients, I reckon that this means 12 times better vision than any human has ever achieved??
Watch this soon, the “Optometry Industry” may “take it down” at any moment!
This obviously disproves the physics “lie” that any telescope or other optical system has a resolving power limited by a very simple formula (1.22 *Wavelength/Objective Diameter). The Airy Rayleigh equation is used to design telescopes the world over. Why didn’t those silly astrophysicists just drink a couple of Outback smoothies a day!!?
I am joking here – they only claim to be able to restore eyesight to “perfect” 20/20 vision. But If I have better than that, (OK with my glasses) how can the Aboriginal have 4 times better? And how can 20/20 be perfect when indigenous Australians can beat you every time?
This program can reverse potentially blinding conditions, such as macular degeneration, cataract and even Glaucoma. It will also eliminate black spots in vision and floaters.
I was interested in more information, and had my wallet out, especially as I was being offered a one off 10 dollar discount..
These daily smoothie blends can also shrink a myopic eye back to its correct size, enlarge a hyperopic eye and reshape an astigmatic eye. Quite how this works was not fully explained, well not explained at all. But it must work – read the testimonials.
The discoverer of this super smoothie is disgusted by the “Optometry industry”, as once again all Optometrists know the truth, and we are all hiding it from “you”. If we are hiding it, it is because we were trained that there was nothing to hide….
Someone came in, and I put my wallet away, but I reckon I would still be interested in what the pdf downloads were.
I think that there is NO WAY that you will be able to throw away your eyeglasses, even if they are just for reading after the suggested 21 days, and there is no way it could have fixed his wife’s 6 months to blindness condition, unless she was misdiagnosed.
However the antioxidants he mentions on the video are the components in most of the ocular health vitamins which optometrists would often recommend, or mention to patients. These anti oxidants do seem to have a protective effect on the retinal, especially macular health. But antioxidants may prevent AMD, they cannot reverse new blood vessel growth in Wet AMD. But prevention is better than cure.
But if you are myopic (short sighted) your eyeballs grew too big. If you are hyperopic (too small). Amazing that these smoothies can have the opposite effect on different eyes!
But a good diet is important to retinal health, so (perhaps) still, 27 bucks to make healthy smoothies is not so much of a rip off.
But I didn’t pay, and do not know the rest of the ingredients. But we do know what foods are high in antioxidants, and we all know that they are good for us…
I have come up with a new business plan, and I might sell it as a new preventative treatment for Glaucoma. I recently knocked up a new website, so another one is worth a shot. €49.99? Nah €149.99.
Only kidding, it would be unprofessional to try to do that. Yes – Optometrists do consider themselves professionals, but no-one else seems to, and they are easy to knock. Easier to knock than all of the faked Nasa moon landings, and the earth being curved – I had a quiet day today, and once you see a conspiracy theory or ten, you do think…
But it doesn’t make it true!
Our new secure https:// website
Folks, clients, customers, friends and any other visitors?
Google wants all websites to be served through a https:// connection, rather than an http://
https:// is a secure connection, which means that no-one can intercept the site you should see, and modify it to a different site. They could change adverts, (we don’t have any), or change links- why would they bother? Why exactly, but they do try – but, would you believe that this lowly site has rejected 359!! attacks on this site alone, this MONTH, so today! Websites are commodities to be stolen, and re-purposed!
This site was once hacked to host a fake French banking site, for an hour or so, 5 years ago. I had the issue fixed 2 minutes after Google advised me, – after all they told me the exact issue and I was already looking for the problem before Google was in touch, but the old Webhost.ie host, took the site offline anyway, and on a Sunday, it took a few hours to come back. Not much fun using a very poor 3G connection on a caravan site in Connemara!
“Mega” site protection has been added since them, thus I know about the 359 failed attacks today!
We have moved to a new host, with (I hope) better customer support. Actually I KNOW the customer support is better! I am sad to have moved away from my host of 13 years, but, how many times can you accept being let down?
But still, for “your” protection, this site should now serve all of it’s content by secure https://
Google wants it, so it has to be…
Checking a website is difficult – it needs to be checked in every browser ever available, in every version – this is just not possible – often only the latest browser versions are available to download after all! If anyone sees any issues, please let us know.
However, if you are using Internet Explorer on Windows XP, please don’t – everything you are using is just way too out of date unfortunately. Our site will throw you errors, but they are not errors so much on out part, but your operating system -it was released on August 24th 2001. Microsoft stopped support and updates on April 8th 2014. IE 10 on Windows XP cannot deal with the version of the Certificate we are using, due to our using a shared server hosting plan.
It is 2018 now by the way!
Still it is our fault, for being cheap, but a “proper” certificate will cost a couple of too many hundred euro, and this works for everything apart from very old browsers, on very old operating systems.
But apart from XP IE users, please let us know!
Domain Changes, and DNS?
Due to issues with a domain and DNS hosting change, we might have issues with out emails for 24 or so hours.
At the moment, anything going to @mcleishoptometrists.com is arriving, but the @mcoptom.com and @mcoptom.ie are not, and apparently, so far, neither is the @mcleishoptometrists.ie.
DNS changes take time to propagate, so hopefully things will sort themselves out, without too much effort on my part, but if you get a bounced email, use the @mcleishoptometrists.com address and it will work….. Hopefully.
If these issues are not fixed by 1.00pm tomorrow, it will be a “fun day”. But meantime, use @mcleishoptometrists.com please!
If you need to contact us, just give us a call on 042 9694456. Telephones almost always work, unless Vodafone upgrades the line and removes the service. But that was a long time ago now! Oh how I can hold a grudge!