Spectacles on a Snellen eyetest chart

Eye Examinations

Your sight is too important to be left to chance. Ensure you and your's have regular eye testing to ensure everything is normal.

Essilor UV Protective Coatings

Protect your Eyes

Every Crizal Antireflective lens in now available as standard with UV back surface protection. Give your eyes maximum UV radiation protection!

Contact Lenses

Contact Lens fitting and aftercare reviews. Ensure that your contacts are as clear and comfortable as they should be, all day long.

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A picture of Safety Spectacles

Contact us to discuss your requirements.

Corporate Eyecare- we carry out eye testing for VDU users and for health and safety reasons, available onsite or in our premises. We also supply goggles and spectacles specifically designed for sports.

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An optometrist tests the eyes of a young child

Children's Eyecare

Children's Eyecare is incredibly overlooked in Ireland, every child should be checked from 3 onwards. Many preventable problems are discovered too late- aged 7 is usually too late!

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Coffee and steamy spectacles

OptiFog - Clear lenses, all the time.

Optifog "anti steam" coated lenses now available at McLeish Optometrists.

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Medical Card

Medical Cards & PRSI

We are pleased to accept HSE Medical Card and PRSI patients- Medical Card applications need to be authorised before you can be seen- please call us or call in for an application. PRSI is simpler, just call us with your RSI Number.


COVID-19 information

Coronavirus information

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Call Us

Local Eyecare for Everyone - Call us today for an appointment!

Eye Examinations

EyeSight is precious, have your vision and eyes examined regularly- it isn’t only for spectacle wearers!

Contact Lenses

CLsContact Lens fitting and reviews- are you wearing the best lenses for YOUR eyes?

Childrens Eyecare

3+Undetected childhood vision problems can have lifelong consquences. Every Child should be checked aged approximately 3, sooner if problems are suspected.

Corporate Eyecare

DSECorporate Eyecare- from safety spectacles to VDU eye checks, we can arrange onsite or in our office.

Thursday 29th November

As you will know Thursday is our late night – we are usually open until 8.30pm.

Due to staff holidays and a parent teacher meeting at the Bailiborough Community School we will be closing at 5.30pm this coming Thursday 29th.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused – I have no option.


Telephone issues

Apologies to anyone trying to contact us this early afternoon – Neasa became aware of internet issues at roughly 12 pm, but neither of us noticed that we had no dial tone! Perhaps we did have a dial tone then, but I was back in after a trip to collect a child in Cavan and there was no dial tone. Calling the line did nothing inside, but seemed to ring normally at my mobile end.

If we did not answer the phone to you – it didn’t ring!

Tried to contact Eir by phone, but faults only seem to occur in normal business hours – Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm. The fault has been reported online, but we have no idea when they might get round to fixing this.

If there is no luck by Monday morning, we will advise a different contact method.

Again, apologies.


Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween!

Happy HalloweenPlease remember that it is a bank holiday weekend.

As usual we will not be open on Monday, obviously – it is a bank holiday! But we also have not (for a very long time) opened on the Saturday of a bank holiday weekend.

We will be “gone” at 5.30pm on Friday.

We hope you have a great long weekend, and we will see you on Tuesday – business as usual then!


AMD Awareness Week 2018

Once again, it is national AMD Awareness Week – September 10th to 16th.

As members of the Association of Optometrists, we will be offering AMD (Age related Macular Degeneration) screening free of charge in practice next week. AMD used to be called ARMD, which given its actual meaning still makes more sense to me!

Please call us to book a slot if you wish to avail, but please be aware that this is not a free eye examination, it is a free AMD screening. Also please remember that we are fitting these checks into our already busy diary, so you might not get the exact time that you would like. If you just arrive, please don’t be annoyed if we ask you to come back later – we are doing this as part of a national awareness campaign, which is more for your benefit than ours!

If you are entitled to a government funded full eye examination, either due to Medical Card or PRSI entitlement, you would be much better to get the full test done, rather than this “freebie”. By all means have this freebie too, but this is not a substitute for a full test, but given what I said here, even a full test is perhaps not enough, due to the speed of onset of the most devastating type of AMD?

Every year we have callers who have no particular interest in Age Related Macular Degeneration, but a very strong interest in getting something for nothing. We will happily accommodate them, but everyone, please understand that the staff will advise you to have a full test rather than the very reduced screening offered – if the full exam is still not going to cost you, why not avail of that instead?

If you have had a recent eye examination and everything was OK, and you have no issues now, you likely will not benefit from this screening, but do ensure that each eye is distortion free and seeing as well as you are used to – you should do this on a weekly or fortnightly basis. If not, you should get your eyes checked as soon as possible, ideally in the establishment you normally attend – they best know your eyes after all!

(And you do trust them, don’t you?)




AMD Awareness Week 2018 10 September 2018 – 16 September 2018


AMD Awareness Week 2018 ‘SightSee With Me’ will take place from the 10th-16th September. This year marks the beginning of a new decade for the awareness campaign, as we mark the 11th anniversary of the multi eye care stakeholder group initiative, supported by the Irish College of Ophthalmologists.


The aim of the awareness week is to create greater public awareness and understanding of AMD, and encourage those aged 50 and over to get their eyes tested regularly.


Further information on AMD Awareness Week 2018 activities and testing locations will feature shortly on the ICO website www.eyedoctors.ie and www.amd.ie.

Who Knew!??

There is a recent study which found that Diabetics who drank more than 4 glasses of “diet soda” in a week had a significantly increased risk of Diabetic Retinopathy – the diabetic eye disease which can cause blindness.

The study found that diet soda drinkers had a doubling of the  likelihood of diabetic retinopathy, compared to non diet soda drinking diabetic peers.

Most everyone, me included, would have thought that sugar free drinks would be safer, but it seems that there may be other issues with diet sodas compared to naturally sweetened drinks.

There have always been mentions, and suggestions about diet drinks being bad for you, but there do seem to be other health issues, even in non diabetics associated with some artificial sweeteners. Some suggestions of cardiovascular issues?

As a fat bloke who honestly does prefer Diet Coke to Normal Coke, and even Coke Zero- which I assume is as bad, this is perturbing!

I do prefer the taste of Diet Coke over the other cola options, but maybe I need to just stop and drink water!

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Sight is precious, look after yours.