We are pleased to discuss with you your requirements for eye examinations to satisfy your Health and Safety requirements, for Display Screen Users, and also safety spectacles advice.
There are companies which will come on site and perform VDU screening, a limited check of the eyes and their function, using Optometrists or sometimes trained nurses. Having worked for a company which performed these screenings, I became aware that the individual people screened really did not understand the difference, or the fact that they had not had a proper eye test. I feel that this is worrying, because if they think they have had an eye examination, when they have not, this may falsely give a feeling of safety. For this reason, we will come on site, and test the eyes of your employees, but we will not compromise on the testing that we perform.
Anyone who is found to require a correction for use with the VDU will be informed of our recommendation, but we will consult with you before making any firm decisions- many employees do require spectacles to work at their computer screens, but also require them to drive to work, home again, or maybe to read the paper. Unless the employee requires a particular correction solely for use with the VDU, we will not advise otherwise. Again, many employees are aware that they are entitled to glasses if they require them and use a VDU. Many companies will make a contribution towards spectacles for these users, even if they are not solely and specifically for use with the VDU, but that is up to the individual company. The letter of the law is “solely and specifically for use with VDU”, but some companies will contribute if the employee requires them to do their work “comfortably and efficiently”. We will always advise into which category those who require a correction will fall, and consult with you before doing anything more.
If you wish to chat to us about your requirements, please call us or send a message.