Eye and Sight threatening conditions can occur at any time, but fortunately most eye problems are not urgent in nature.
Optometrists in Ireland usually do not offer an out of hours service, because eye problems are rarely all that sudden in onset. However, at any time, we will see people at irregular hours – I am aware that some issues cannot wait!
If you have broken your spectacles, wear your spare pair. Don’t have spares? Doh!
If you have a seriously painful eye, and are a contact lens client of ours, please contact Ian on this number O83 8O8 O371 – there is no guarantee that my phone will be in coverage, but if you leave your name, number and a message I will get back to you, though if you are in significant pain, and have a red eye with a pus like discharge, I would suggest that you consider going straight to the Eye and Ear Hospital, or the Mater Casualty Department in Dublin- we would probably advise that you go there when we see you anyway!
We are not legally allowed to prescribe drops to treat eye infections or diseases.
This advice would also be relevant to people with sudden loss of vision, extreme eye pain or (again) extreme light sensitivity – I will happily see you, but most of those issues will probably require (possibly) urgent onward referral to the hospitals.
Have a great holiday season, but please, remember to stay safe with your contact lenses!
Please remember,
- DO NOT SLEEP IN YOUR CONTACT LENSES (Unless we advised you that it is safe to do so, which is very very rare).
- Wash you hands before applying and removing lenses.
- Clean the lenses properly if they are not daily disposables, and always use fresh solution every night.
Have a look at our Contact Lens Dos and Don’ts here.