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Victoria (Martin) McLeish
Sadly after a long and unfortunately never winnable illness, Victoria the founder of McLeish Optometrists has passed away.
We will miss her every day – I was married to Vicky for only 22 years – though we together for 28.
She will be missed by many family members and friends, including the staff here – Neasa did not know Vicky before coming to work for us, but that was over 11 years ago. Sandra was Victoria’s friend for a long time before she came to work for us.
I guess that we will have a few days being closed, and perhaps a few more days of no testing, but after that, and more than ever, please do not be a stranger – no business will survive if no-one wants to call in because they may feel awkward.
We have all known about Vicky’s diagnosis since 2007, and we all knew that one day, it could take her away from us.
Please just give us a few days to get back to “normal”, and then do not hesitate to call us or call in.
Victoria Louise (Martin) McLeish 06/09/1971 – 25/07/2019
“Our” Location—
Out location has changed many times – according to Google.
As has Heery Agri and ATVs, Tunnyduff National School, even Black’s Butchers and Deli has apparently moved according to Google’s map!
I have no idea why this seems to happen on a regular basis. Blacks is between the Bailie Hotel and the post Office. On Google’s current map, it seems to show between Anne Street and SuperValu – at least on the Google map I can display on my website….
Heery’s is not on the Main Street, at all. Boyle Sports might also like to have a look at their Bailieborough location. Bailieborough is the Twilight Zone for Google Maps apparently?
If you were to look at the Bailieborough Post Office, directly at it, you would see a door to the right hand side on the wall perpendicular to their front door. That is us! Despite Google’s best intentions, requiring three or more updates to set them back to correct, we are still there! But perhaps not on “their” map which I can display?
Got to contact Goggle again, now they seem to be zooming my map Grousehall, which might be fine, if I wanted to find my way home…though that may be my personal details – Chrome shows different versions compared to Edge, IE and Firefox.
Still there are soo many errors on this tiny map.
For us, look at the Post Office, look right, and THAT IS US!!
Come on in!
PS There is a door handle that you need to depress to enter – this seems to catch out many clients, for some reason…?
Last maps I looked at had Black’s somewhere between Anne Street and Supervalu, but the latest map I am viewing, in Firefox, has no Blacks at all!
And no Nico’s, which was there previously…
What is going on…..
Must ask Niamh Smyth, our local “fixer”, not that even Niamh could take on the might of Google!
Has anyone else noticed that Tunnyduff National School has “moved”
Has anyone noticed that Tunnyduff National School is now nearly opposite McLeish Optometrists, perhaps a little up Main Street, towards Black’s Butchers?
Here is a copy of the details. Do not try to find Tunnyduff national school using Google Maps!

Driving Vision and Glaucoma
Yesterday was the annual AGM of the Association of Optometrists, and also a study day- all Optometrists have to undertake a certain amount of Continuous Education and Training. At the moment this is voluntary, but will probably become compulsory in due course.
One of the lectures at the study day was about driving and vision, a subject that has become very topical of late. Particularly interesting I thought were a couple of videos which tracked the eye movements of Glaucoma patients when tested in a Hazard Perception Test. It had always been assumed that people who have a visual field deficiency will scan around, and move their head more to compensate for their problem, but as is mentioned here, the issue is that they may not even realise that they have a problem, and even if they are aware of an issue, they do not see the problem. If you don’t see something, you don’t think “I didn’t see that” – you just don’t see it.
The Hazard Perception test used eye tracking to follow the “Point of Regard” of normals and Glaucoma patients, also measured were reaction times – when would they hit the brakes? The study found that people with Glaucoma do not scan around more than normals – indeed one of the videos below show that they remain fixed almost exclusively on the car ahead, failing to notice the hazard of a car pulling out ahead, until the car they are following reacts to the threat.
Video Number 2 shows the Glaucoma patient’s Point of Regard in Blue, the normals are shown in red, it is quite noticeable how little the Glaucoma patient looks at other aspects of the driving scene – they completley fail to look at the pedestrian with the buggy, something all the normals are obviously worried about.
Video number 3 has superimposed onto it a representation of the patients field of vision- the more dense the areas of field loss, the darker the overlay. (It moves around because its position is relative to the fixation point, the blue dot. Remember that a Glaucoma patient will not see this blackness, they will just have blank areas, their brain will fill in the details as best it can.
The Glaucoma losses featured in Video 2 and 3 are mild to moderate – according to UK standards (where this study was done), this patient would still be legal to drive.
This shows that even if you do not feel that you have a problem, you should have your eyes regularly checked!
The full articles are available to read at these two links;
Exploring Eye Movements in Patients with Glaucoma When Viewing a Driving Scene