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Category Archive for: ‘Clinical’

Coronavirus – again!
We would like to reiterate some rules or requests, especially with the apparent increase in transmissibility of the new Omicron strain.
“Oh I forgot my mask, do I need it?” – Yes, yes you do! Unless you are medically exempt.
We would request that unless you need a carer that you come alone for your appointment – obvioulsy children need to be accompanied, but does the rest of the family need come as well? Of course you are only one household, but we are being exposed to multiple people who do not necessarily need to be here…
Husbands and Wives often like to attend for appointments one after the other, likely so she can supervise his purchases – understandable, but we can only test one of you at a time, so it would likely be safer for the other to wait in the car until it is their turn.
We have been operating on an appointment only basis – we were advised to do this, but we still have multiple people calling to the door for a browse or to make an appointment – if at all possible, could you ring us instead?
These requests are to try to minimise our exposure to clients and their exposure to us.
We appreciate your continued support and we do not want to appear obstructive in any way, but lately people have been letting their guard slip a bit?
Oh, one more request – we have been extremely busy of late – a good complaint, but we have had 3 no shows today already. We have a list of people wanting on a cancellation, but folks don’t cancel usually, they just don’t turn up, and then rebook when it suits them. Sometimes they apologise.
If you can’t make your appointment, please call us to let us know!

MGD Rx Eyebags – now Blepha Eyebags
We have recommended MGD Rx Eyebags as a treatment for dry eyes for many years – most people who suffer dry eye symptoms would likely benefit by using one, or a similar product. – the exception being those who have an autoimmune disease such as rheumatoid arthritis and have been diagnosed with Sjogrens Syndrome.
We used to stock these items, mainly to help our less internet able clients – we made little to no profit on their sale, but I had one man who was very rude when I recommended one to him. I had already told him his glasses were fine and they would do him another couple of years, so I guess he thought I was trying to sell him something for the sake of it?
Since then we have given out little leaflets about them with the web address of where they could be purchased directly from the manufacturer. However, the distributor/ owner of the Eyebags has changed – something we were not aware of until yesterday! We were not told about this change.
I would still recommend them and there are published studies in the British Journal of Ophthalmology showing their effectiveness.
They can now be purchased from Thea Pharmaceuticals and the name has changed from the very catchy MGD Rx Eyebag to the Blepha Eyebag, but the product is the same.
These used to cost £20, with apparently free delivery to virtually anywhere in Europe, but they are now retailing at £19.99 with free UK delivery. If we can find a better deal to Ireland, we will let you know.
Actually I found a link to them with free delivery to Ireland on Amazon.co.uk. I note on that page there is a sponsored link to a retinol eye wrinkle product. Just to mention that Retinol has been implicated in premanent damage to the meibomian glands, the ones you are trying to unclog with the Eyebag, so perhaps stay away from the cream/serum?
A change of plan – reopening Tuesday!
The Government, or the Department of the Taoiseach, have changed the advice on their level 5 living with Covid plan – Optometrists are now classified as essential workers. The department of Health is therefore changing its guidelines, meaning we are allowed to re-open.
Many opticians were remaining open anyway, on the basis that they supplied medical devices, which spectacles and contact lenses are- there is an exemption on that, but it was also stated later in the advice that Optician and Optometrists should only see people on an emergency basis. Those who planned to remain open may not have been breaking the law, but were perhaps not adhering to the spirit of the plan?
The Association of Optometrists has now received confirmation from the Department of the Taoiseach of these changes.
Because we are closed on the Saturday before a Bank Holiday Monday anyway, and this is now Thursday and the staff are thus far unaware of this development- we will reopen on Tuesday 27th. None of the staff here were pleased to be closed for 6 weeks, but I see that one of them already started their home remodeling plan last night – I’m sure a back to work on Tuesday will be a bit of a shock!
Apologies for the confusion on this one – we were only following the advice of our professional body.
Level 5 living with Covid – closure!
As per the government’s new countrywide Covid policy on Level 5, we are being forced to close for the next six weeks, at least.
Optometrists may remain open “insofar as they see people on an emergency basis only”. What constitutes an emergency is not defined at this point, it is unlikely to be clarified in the near future either.
So we will be closing on Wednesday evening for the 6 weeks. There is no point in us sitting here just in case an emergency calls.
We have tried to contact everyone to advise them of this development – but there are a couple of folks we are unable to contact, despite repeated attempts. Apologies if you are one of those people – we did try!
In an emergency, Please call Ian on this mobile number – apologies it is a UK number. Coverage in my home area is poor so please leave a message and I will call back as soon as I can. Ian’s mobile number is +44 797 8378930.
We will endeavour to get spectacles on order manufactured and delivered as soon as possible.

Reopening – Monday 18th May
We are pleased to advise that we will be reopening on Monday 18th, but unfortunately be aware that it will not (cannot) be business as usual.
Due to safety requirements we will have to impose the following “rules”.
To ensure social distancing we will only be able to accomodate one client at a time. For this reason we will be running with the door closed and are asking that all wishing to visit PLEASE CALL US IN ADVANCE. We will have a door bell, but for your convenience, please call us to arrange a time to come in – it may just be a case of suggesting you postpone for 5 or 10 minutes.
Please come alone, unless you require a carer to accompany you. If the person with you is only a “driver”, they should not attend.
Unfortunately it is not possible to perform a routine eye test at a social distance, so the Association of Optometrists is recommending that all routine tests be postponed at this time. In cases of sight loss, pain or other issues we will happily see you, but it will not be a full normal test for the moment.
If you need new spectacles, we will do what we need to arrange that, and schedule the remainder of the eye test at a later date.
Contact Lens checks should be a legal requirement before we can issue repeat contact lens prescriptions, but again under these unprecedented circumstances these have been allowed to be postponed, assuming there are no issues.
All visitors should be COVID symptom free and not aware of having been exposed to anyone who may be infected, but we all know that! Anyone who wishes to be examined should bring a mask with them to wear in the test room. We have masks and other PPE on order, but predictably they are well beyond their expected delivery date. They also cost a significant amount of money, so we are not able to give them away – we suggest you bring your own. We will call you before your appointment to check your health and also do the normal “history and symptoms” which would is usually done at the start of the test.
Every visitor will need to give us their details – name, address and a contact telephone number, so that we can record this for tracing purposes, should it be necessary. This even applies if you are only droping in a relative’s frame to have screw inserted, or collecting something on behalf of someone else.
These “rules” are subject to change at any time – no-one has dealt with a situation like this before, but between us we will get through this.
For the foreseeable, I do not think that there is too much point in us being open normal hours – there just will not be the demand for testing, or perhaps not the ability!
We are going to go with Tuesday to Saturday 11am to 4pm.
We will have an answering service for the rest of normal business hours – leave us a message and we will get back to you.