Monthly Archive for: ‘November, 2021’

Blepha Eyebag Angled Left

MGD Rx Eyebags – now Blepha Eyebags


We have recommended MGD Rx Eyebags as a treatment for dry eyes for many years – most people who suffer dry eye symptoms would likely  benefit by using one, or a similar product. – the exception being those who have an autoimmune disease such as rheumatoid arthritis and have been diagnosed with Sjogrens Syndrome.

We used to stock these items, mainly to help our less internet able clients – we made little to no profit on their sale, but I had one man who was very rude when I recommended one to him. I had already told him his glasses were fine and they would do him another couple of years, so I guess he thought I was trying to sell him something for the sake of it?

Since then we have given out little leaflets about them with the web address of where they could be purchased directly from the manufacturer. However, the distributor/ owner of the Eyebags has changed – something we were not aware of until yesterday! We were not told about this change.

I would still recommend them and there are published studies in the British Journal of Ophthalmology showing their effectiveness.

They can now be purchased from Thea Pharmaceuticals and the name has changed from the very catchy MGD Rx Eyebag to the Blepha Eyebag, but the product is the same.

These used to cost £20, with apparently free delivery to virtually anywhere in Europe, but they are now retailing at £19.99 with free UK delivery. If we can find a better deal to Ireland, we will let you know.

Actually I found a link to them with free delivery to Ireland on I note on that page there is a sponsored link to a retinol eye wrinkle product. Just to mention that Retinol has been implicated in premanent damage to the meibomian glands, the ones you are trying to unclog with the Eyebag, so perhaps stay away from the cream/serum?





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