A week without Varifocals

And what a week it was.

My spectacles made a strange cracking noise when I was testing a mother and son a week ago on Friday. I thought that perhap a lens had moved in the frame – I couldn’t see anything else amiss, so I thought nothing of it. On the next day, I popped my specs on to read an axis on the trial frame and the side departed from the front of the frame.

And I cannot find my spare varifocals, but……still, – nothing happened to “my good glasses”!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Entropy I guess?  “Time’s arrow” – it dictates that everything will fail eventually and my specs were long overdue a change. I was bored with them and the bridge was scratched somehow, but most of all, my head was fatter than when I got them, so they left serious marks in the sides of my head. Laziness and other life commitments prevented me from ordering a new pair.

That Saturday, I made myself up a pair of distance only spectacles, thinking that I would be OK (enough) to read by removing them. Nope!

On Monday I managed to cut my lenses into another frame which also did not work all that well – it is a difficult job to get the centres of a varifocal exactly where they need to be when cutting them into a new frame – not only do the lenses need to physically fit in the newer frame, but they should also sit in exactly the correct position in front of the eyes. I thought the frame I picked would work, then I thought it would be close enough, but alas they have not been brilliant, or actually more than half decent.

My new lenses arrived today, so I am a very happy chappy! I can see clearly once again, at every distance.

But now for the moral of the story – make sure you know where your spare pair is – I suspect mine was in a car which was scrapped, but I never thought of them – until last Saturday.

I did briefly consider making myself a pair of readers to compliment my distance specs after my varifocal reglaze turned out less than brilliant, but I would rather be unable to read that well than have 2 separate pairs of specs.

But each to their own!

I am sorted now, and have another frame (and lenses to fit it) on order – don’t want to get caught out again!

I personally felt that I was a varifocal “disliker”, but having tried the alternatives, I will not be going back! Yes they have some annoyances, and after all, a jack of all trades cannot be the master of everything! But – I tried without, and I’m happy to be back!

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