Please order your Contact Lenses sooner, rather that too late(r)!

As one particular client (let’s call him Jerry) has found out (more than once), Santa cannot deliver contact lenses – he too busy to stop by our suppliers on Christmas Eve! So – please do not try to order lenses on Christmas Eve for Christmas delivery!

All the other “couriers” are also very busy at this time of year, and the suppliers are often closed until the new year, even before Santa’s trip around the world. No other couriers seem to deliver on Christmas day, so to order on Christmas Eve is a little too late, even for Santa!

This is not the “last call” to order contacts for the holidays, but if you might need some, please order them – they can sit until 2018 no worries, if you don’t need them. We do not want to see you stuck!

We have not yet been advised of our last order times from the various suppliers, but we all by now know that Christmas is coming?

(I have got absolutely nothing bought, planned or done as yet – who am I to talk!?)

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Local eyecare for all the family

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