A recent survey by Behaviours and Attitudes interviewed 1000 people on behalf of the Healthy Eyes Campaign.
They found that 21% of the Irish population had never had a sight test, in the under 35s this figure rose to 36%.
The vast majority who had never had their eyes tested believed that they had 20/20 vision!
The survey also found that half of the Irish population have not had their eyes tested in the last 2 years.
The Federation of Ophthalmic and Dispensing Opticians (FODO) Ireland’s head of policy was quoted in Optometry Today, an Optometry Journal – “I was taken aback to discover that 21% of the Irish population has never had a sight test at all. Half of all sight loss is avoidable but without proper education and regular sight testing Ireland could be heading for a public health crisis.”
Most people are entitled to eye tests at no charge under either the HSE Medical Card scheme or through PRSI Optical Benefit….