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Monthly Archive for: ‘February, 2013’
Prize Draw
Optometrists are required to remind patients when they are due for another eye test or contact lens review – time flies when you are having fun and it is easy to underestimate how long it has been since your last test.
Many eye diseases benefit from early detection, but unfortunately just because you feel you are seeing well (and maybe you are), it does not mean that your eyes are healthy- many eye problems will not affect clarity of vision until they are more advanced.
Until now, we have stuck to the traditional snail mail to send these reminders, but it would be simpler and cheaper to send these by email.
If you are a client of ours, we would like your email address- as an incentive to give it to us, we will enter all respondents into a draw-
The winner will receive;
- Their next eye examination (and contact lens check if applicable) free of charge.
- Their new spectacles reduced in price by the cost of their last pair. For example if your last pair from us were €250 we will give you €250 off your new pair. Minimum Prize €100- if you never purchased spectacles from us before, you will receive €100 credit!
To enter, submit your email address here. We also need your postal address and DOB, to be sure we add the email to the correct person. Your email address will ONLY be used to send the recall when you are next due a sight test, and also to advise you if you are the winner, so make sure it is correct! If you wish us to keep you up to date with offers and information (perhaps twice per year) there is also an opt-in radio check button.
If you fancy a second entry into the draw, Like and Share this post on Facebook. If you are not currently a client of ours, Like and Share will enter you in the draw to win a free eye examination and €100 credit towards spectacles or contact lenses.
Prize is not transferable, no expiry date. Draw closes 3 months from date of publication, one winner drawn per month- an entry now gets three chances to win.
Good Luck!

Post Laser Myopic Regression
A study recently published has shown that it may be possible to reduce or eliminate myopic regression after LASIK and perhaps other types of laser surgery.
The study has probably created more questions than answers, but it did show that they were able to reduce myopic regression using Timolol 0.5% drops.
The study was conducted to investigate one of the theories on the cause of post Laser myopic progression- the theory was that because laser refractive surgery thins and weakens the cornea, perhaps the pressure in the eye causes the cornea to bulge. Their theory was that by reducing the Intra Ocular Pressure using the Timolol drops that the cornea might bulge less.
The study did find a reduction in regression using the drops for up to 6 months after the surgery and also that 6 months later the refractive error remained stable- they think that the reduction in IOP may allow the cornea time to heal and strengthen without bulging.
Further investigations are required- would other IOP lowering drops also work? They also need to repeat a study like this, but actually make measurements of the front and back curves of the cornea to see if they remain more stable than those which are not treated.
The full article “Timolol to Treat Myopic Regression After LASIK” is available on Medscape. (You may be required to login or register to see the article.)

Driving Sight Tests AGAIN
The RSA has now issued its guidance on their latest requirements for eye testing for licencing purposes, and they have basically reverted to the old standards, at least for young people who only require a Class 1 (Standard non-commercial) licence
The Road Safety Authority wrote to us in December 2010, advising us of new standards for driving sight tests. There were many issues with their new standards which meant that there had to be a long consultation process, but this now seems to have been resolved.
For the last two years, optometrists have done their best to conduct the driving sight tests as close to the RSA’s requirements as possible. In contrast many GPs, following their own professional body’s advice, continued to conduct the driving sight tests to the older standards.
Where there is any reason to doubt a person’s fitness to drive, due to age, cataracts, glaucoma or any other known condition, more tests will probably still need to be done.
At least for the young, this means that driving sight test will be less expensive, as they are much quicker to complete than before.

The MGDRx Eye Bag
The MGDRx EyeBag is a patented, CE marked Class 1 medical device registered with the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).
The EyeBag is a silk and suedex device which can be re-heated up to 200 times in a microwave. Simply heat for 30 or 40 seconds on full power and the EyeBag will stay warm for up to 10 minutes.
Conditions which usually benefit from regular twice daily EyeBag treatment are:
- Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD)
- Blepharitis
- Dry Eye Syndrome
- Styes
- Eyelid Cysts (Meibomian cysts know as chalazion, pronounced Ka-lazy-on)
- Contact Lens Dry Eye
- Corneal Laser Dry Eye
- Seborrhoeic dermatitis
- Rosacea
Symptoms which are relieved by EyeBag treatment are:
- Grittiness
- Tiredness
- Redness
- Bleary Vision
- Burning Discomfort
- Foreign body sensation (feels like there’s something in the eye)
- Dry eye
- Eye irritation
Eyelid warming using the EyeBag is often used at the same time as artificial tears and dry eye gels and ointments. If you are a contact lens wearer you should discuss your situation with your contact lens practitioner who will advise you how best to use your EyeBag.