Monthly Archive for: ‘November, 2012’

Bright Eyes Week

This week, 12th to 19th November is Bright Eyes Week.

The Bright Eyes scheme is organised by the Association of Optometrists Ireland with the aim of highlighting the importance of visual development in Children. This year the emphasis is on career choices and vision- many undetected problems can have career implications when older!

As an Association Member, McLeish Optometrists will be carrying out free Bright Eyes Vision screening this week. This is not a full eye exam, but is a screening aimed at detecting those who may have a problem which would require further investigation- either an eye test at the Optician of your choice, or referral to your local community children’s clinic.

The tests included are

  1. Objective refraction- an estimate of the error, if any in the eyes
  2. Unaided Vision
  3. Some tests to exclude significant hyperopia (longsight)
  4. Stereopsis – checking development of normal 3D vision
  5. Cover Testing and Ocular Motility- checking for a turn and eye muscle weakness
  6. Pupil reflexes and Ophthalmoscopy

Other tests may be performed as indicated, some may be omitted, but at the end you will be told whether further investigation would be beneficial, and if this is the case, what to do and where to go.

This offer is only available during the Bright Eyes week- call for details or to make an appointment.

Local eyecare for all the family