Spare Spectacles – You need them!

A lady came into our Kingscourt branch on Friday, quite disgusted that her nearly 4 year old spectacles had had a lens come out. This was because the nylon cord that holds in the lens had snapped. She had “paid a lot of money” for the spectacles (nearly 4 years ago), but a piece of nylon can break at any time (but rarely does unless the spectacles get twisted).

The point of the post is that she was even more disgusted and incredulous that we did not have any spare spectacles in stock to suit her prescription, so that she could borrow them until hers were repaired. Her glasses were fixed over lunchtime, but we cannot possibly have spectacles to suit any and every prescription just in case someone has a problem- everyone’s eyes are so different. She was politely advised to consider getting herself a spare pair, to avoid a recurrence.

If you cannot manage without your spectacles, a spare pair is very important- many European countries have a legal requirement to have a spare pair in any car you are driving, just in case!

If you purchased a pair of specs from McLeish Optometrists, or have a receipt for a pair purchased elsewhere, we will give you an extra 15% discount off another pair, if purchased within 6 months of the originals.

Conditions apply, enquire in store quoting Offer15.

Local eyecare for all the family

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