With the recent merger of Novartis with Alcon, CibaVision were told to divest one of their multi purpose solutions, and they chose to spin off SoloCare Aqua, to a french company. As of April 1st 2012, Ciba will cease to supply Solocare solutions bundled in Contact Lens+Solutions Valuepacks.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with SoloCare, but my personal preference would be an OptiFree solution by Alcon, as some wearers can be sensitive to Polyhexanide, a disinfecting agent present in most multipurpose solutions, and present in SoloCare. Alcon solutions are polyhexanide free, and were cost not an issue, I would have recommended OptiFree to all my patients, but many had no issues with SoloCare, and we get a great deal when ordering a valuepack of lenses and solutions together- this saves you money, if you can use SoloCare.
From April 1st, Ciba will start bundling their lenses with OptiFree Puremoist, a polyhexanide free solution. This is good news for all our patients who currently cannot receive the Valuepack discount, and for the majority who have no issues with SoloCare, the extra moisturising agents in the solution should keep them even more comfortable, from insertion to removal.
The bundle will include lenses (obviously) 2x300ml bottles of OptiFree PureMoist, 3 cases and an extra 90ml travel bottle- handy for carry on luggage.